A Single Mind

Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians while he was imprisoned in Rome, around 62 A.D. He expressed his affection and gratitude to the Philippians, who were his faithful partners in the gospel and were his generous supporters in his ministry. Paul shares his perspective and purpose in life, which is to live for Christ and to die for Christ. Paul exhorts and encourages the Philippians to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of “the gospel of Christ”, to stand firm in “one spirit”, to strive together for the “Faith of the Gospel”, and to not be frightened by their opponents.

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AI & Bible Study (of Philippians)

Study: The Mind of Christ

Lesson One: A Single Mind

Lesson Two: A Submissive Mind

Lesson Three: A Spiritual Mind

Lesson Four: A Secure Mind

Conclusion: Contentment in Christ

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